Jumat, 11 Juni 2010


* Today before you say the words that are not good, think about someone who can not speak at all.

* Before you complain about the taste of your food,
think about someone who does not have anything for the meal.

* Before you complain do not have anything,
think about someone begging in the streets.

* Before you complain that you're bad,
think about someone who was at the level of the worst in his life.

* Before you complain about your husband or wife,
think about someone who is pleading to God to give a friend in life.

* Before you complain about your household your husband or wife (),
think about someone who has been divorced.

* Before you complain about your children,
think about someone who really wants to have kids.
But she was barren.

* Before you complain about your dirty house, because the maid did not do your job,
think about the people who live on the streets.

* Today before you complain about your life,
tentamg think of someone who died too soon.

* Before you complain to your difficulties,
think about people who are more difficult.

* Before you complain about your class at school,
think about people who want to school,
but he was not able to finance their education.

* Before you complain because your friend or relative error,
think about people who do not have any friends or relatives, since the Ban.

* Before you complain about you have to drive away,
think about someone who travel the same distance by walking.

* And when you are tired and complain about your job,
think about unemployment,
disabled people who wish they had a job like you.

* Before you show the finger and blame someone else,
remember that no one is innocent.

* And when you're sad and you live in distress,
smile and thank God that you are still alive.

* Before you complain about anything, look, ponder, and think about what you had and how he?

* At the moment we want to point fingers and blame others,
have we ever think and remember that no one else in this world who is never wrong and sinful at all.

* Then ni'mat Robb Did you which you deny. (Q.S. 55: 13).

* Do not count how many times you fall away,
then tried to bounce back in time to run toward Him.
Because His love is only given to people who Ridho undergo His will.

* Liver leads to keridhoan safety and peace of mind depends on the attitude of willing.

* The nature of the true Muslim is to be patient when the override accident and thank God when a favor.

* A mu'kmin that if he saw, he took lessons, if he kept quiet so he thinks, if he talks then he remembers, if he was given something he was grateful, and if he's on he's trying to be patient.

* He who will obtain abundant goodness of God, then he will at first give a trial. (H.R. Bukhari).

* The amount of reward in accordance with the test and trial. Surely God 'Almighty loves a people of God when they test. Whoever it is for her patience and forbearance benefits whoever will get his face the wrath of God. (H.R. Tirmidhi).

* Override not a believer in pain, fatigue (weary), in attacking the disease or affliction (sadness) (sampaipun thorns that pierced his body) except with God erase his sins. (H.R. Bukhari).

* Is not someone's death unless she was sorry, what if he was a good man he was sorry why not better, and what if he's a bad guy why he's sorry he did not repent. (H.R. Tirmidhi).

* Test and trial gives spiritual strength is not measured and not counted. Tears cleanse the soul, clean dirt, and enlighten the hearts and minds. When people who fear Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Obedient to cry when prostrating to Him. That's when in fact the existence of more entitled to a reward of goodness in the Hereafter. From the kemungkaran lovers and crime.

* Do not want in destroy the things that are trivial but also not to treat the problem is bigger than the actual reality. Beware do not be too afraid to confront problems and not exaggerate problems encountered. Treat all in accordance with its capacity.
Verily after difficulty there would ease after difficulty there is a way out and that was his exact sunnatullah passed.

* Heart of God's most beloved is the most tender heart towards his brother, the cleanest and best in his belief in his religion.

* Feels something more precious when we already do not have it, then appreciate and take care of everything we have.

* Restless mind what if the hate humans, because there are still many who have loved you in this world.
But anxiety is what if the hate God because nothing else is loving you in the afterlife.

* Love what you love just modest, because of what you love these days can you hate on the next day.
And hate what you hate modest just because you hate what this day could also love you tomorrow.

* In every difficulty there must be an easy, bkan just means God in every existing and replace it with ease, but more to how we are more huzzah in the face of adversity, then finally we are more mature in solving any problems.

* We sometimes feel stupid just because too hope and on the other hand, expectations are crucial to be able to be of encouragement to live, but it hopes will become stale when it no longer could see where the good and bad. Which is a painful and which can indicate the actual mindset, which hurts the actual mindset, why should argue for a state? And why should the blame circumstances?

* Cry is true, but weep with haq, for which haq, and tangisilah world to something that haq.

* Patience is a pillar of happiness of a servant, a servant with a patience that will awake from vices, consistent run ketaan, and steadfast in the face of other trials.

* Ibn qoyyim may Allaah have mercy says
"Standing patiently in faith for the whole body like the head. What if the head was cut off then no longer lives in the body.

* There is no better gift than Allaah besides giving a patient.

* Resist the sorrow your heart because it was only a mirage of a sense of sadness that is created from the heart harubiru volatile.
If you obeyed then there would be no end.
All you need is the courage that will give birth to retail, sailing across the vast ocean full of debusan nan waves. And the estuary is the last resting place of the city of peace. Find your courage.

* Serenity have much utility?
As in say ibn qoyyim,
ketengangan kekusyukan could give birth in ketaan and consciousness in worship.
Tranquillity can berintrapeksi, received against the ordinance of God. Be heart-hath, placing reason in front of her tongue, speaking with deliberation, curb appetite and emotions, to act with wisdom and wise.

* Truth is heavy, and delicious, light and bring falsehood curse, how much passion and lust has caused grief long.

* People always think well of what he did but not necessarily what is considered correct in doing it.
Something good is not necessarily true and certainly true either.
What seems good to us by God could be bad.
And what we think is bad could be good by God.

* Happiness is often seen there on others, so that we have wanted so much to like in someone else's.
Whereas other people might also see that there are similar to us.
Och ... Sinawang Sanaw make restless heart restless all the time.

* If engkaukehilangan something, nothing better, than yelling at the hearing to another person. Keeping what's in your hands better than you trying to get what is in the hands of others,
pain if we fail to get something or we lose our hope is better, than the request-request to others.

* Know everything that has happened it is the will of God, and nothing is in vain what the will of Allaah, thankful and be patient with what has become his will. Before you complain see the people around you first, what you experienced there was more heavier experienced what you experienced.

* Ask for help to God and humans do not become weak. If you are in the override something then do not say, 'if I do this it will be so! 'But let's say, it all is the fate of God, what is in His desire to do his' because the phrase' seandainyai ... That would open the door for the devil. Al-Hadith ().

* A person will be tested in accordance with the conditions of his religion, what if his religion was so strong, so he will be tested in accordance with the quality of his religion, a slave always a temptation until he walked the earth in a state of sin net. (H.R. Tirmidhi).

* Look at the people who are under you and do not see people who are above you, because it deserves so much so that you are not humble blessings that God has given to you. (Agreed 'Peace be upon).

* Dreams left before knowing your goals, do not be bribing before tasting it, knew just started asking, can be derived from imitation, something achieved only from the actions of the mountain people do not like to buy gold, just got a brass iron was satisfied at the thought of gold if without foundation, to devote membutapun will be mislead and torment us.

* Patience in dealing with all of life's journey, many people do not need to know in life we live, do not need a lot of people who feel pride ourselves in patience which we live, no exceptions in life Although it's difficult. Follow the journey that God ridhoi while it is still in the goodness and truth.

* If God keep giving him at you, then pahammilah that it is a glory to you, as long as you keep to imanan Islamization and to you, to do all the things in your God to yourself to also thank you gift.

* While Allaah wants this trip, as we walk it.
So that one day He wants us to stop it with our hearts willingly go without having to think about anything else.

* There is always a blessing in the family, always there in patience, fortitude, there is always a lesson in gratitude, there is always hope in the belief, and there was always pray in faith.

** Where again we find peace in addition to Him. Where again we are asking and pleading for help other than Him.

* Conditioning essentially nothing really refreshing, and there's no best medicine other than piety. and to Him His only way out of the various problems of life, which brings blessings of life, and his rescue from adzab in this world and in the hereafter, because the godly step that the person will inherit the paradise of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

* Grief will only make the heart become seared, her face turned somber, and harapanpun increasingly disappearing. Do not leave ourselves in a dark past master. Get up tomorrow still no sun.

* Distance between difficulty and ease is a grace from God. At the time of the essence of human trouble enjoyment rather than on that difficulty, and vice versa in the time given the nature favors simplicity is not at ease, but the essence of the difficulty and ease of human kala pleasure lies not remember or dhikr to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

* No major rescue more than repentance, and no happiness is perfect addition to the help of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

* Life is so short, anyone who guarantees you will live until the sun has set, it would be foolish if we hold on to things of this world alone.

* No one knows what will happen tomorrow, we can do is do the best for today. Nothing is certain in this world apart from the dead. Nothing is eternal in us except our charity.

* There are two things that will make people complacent, making a loss, make people perish if you do not take advantage of this gift. That is the gift of leisure and health.

* Enough is death as a warning, it is enough death as advice, it is enough to make the heart sad death, making the eyes wept, parting with loved ones busting all the pleasures, the breaker of all ideals.

* I do not care if I have to pick up the pick of death or the death of me. (Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib).

* Know that this world is just like a dead donkey. Al-Hadith ().

* Speak of this world are precious in the sight of Allah 'Almighty mosquito wing side only, then God will not give you wealth, although peteguk drinks to those who disbelieve. (H.R. Ahmad and Tirmidhi).

* Actual soul mate God knows better who we are, what we Rizki, how old we are and the way to matlamat in garnished with myriad allegations. God will provide the best for the best, Inshallah. Trust God.

* Between pejaman eyes and waking eyes, God is always changing circumstances into the events that befall us. However difficult and bitter Allah who tells us the real pleasure.

* Examination was the beast, he would never eat a carcass, she is the crown that was never in use by the servants, he is the sword that never in the laptop at a coward. He is a pulpit that was never mounted by the weak and flabby.

* Ali Bin Abi Talib said, every disaster that comes, no doubt because of sin. And it will be lost with bencama repent to Allaah.

* At the time to complain, like to see Knotted threads of life from below, it appears to be cluttered and messy, but rest assured that God truly has made a hndah knitting, knitting like to see the results from the upper side and will eventually see that sweet and bitter experiences in felt it helped give life and color to our knitting will be very grateful for that color.

* Relief comes after the patient, the way it came out after the disaster of the difficulties, real hardship there is ease. H.R Ibn Najjar ().

* Sinful act against people who cause shit is not the culprit. If he insults them then it could be exposed to the test (test), if menggunjinnya he was innocent and if he approves it as if she had come to do it. (H.R. Dailami).

* The dust of travel began to stick and slowly made our going to unobstructed view of the real beauty of the heart, but there's always the ultimate weapon that's sweeping the dust of his sentence with monotheism.

* Characteristic love of God was pleased dzikrullah love, hate to God characteristics hate dhikr to Him. (H.R. Bayhaqi).

* Everything in heaven and on earth in harmony obediently kneel every morning and evening, it was humans who often do not bond with their shadows. We ask, is there a shadow of our more devout than ourselves? We only become oppressors Atokah shadows?

* In my day where I could escape from death? On the day that is not destined? Or, in days in ordain? Today that is not destined, I'm not worried about him. And today that is not destined, the attitude was not worried about the rescue. Ali Bin Abi Talib ().

* Every vision that is not on the show to take lessons ibrah () is the vanity, which does not dwell on Facebook reflective thinking () is negligence, not the dhikr seadangkan conversation was also a triviality-kesiaan, luckily someone whose views on the show to take ibrah, silence because of thinking, and the conversation containing the dhikr. Ali Bin Abi Talib ().

* O My servants, you actually sinned at night and by day, therefore, ask forgiveness of Me. Then I will forgive you. (H.R. Muslim).

* O servants of Allah who is pursuing his path to Robb, not vast mercy and forgiveness of God to make us feel safe from the torment and his adzab. Jangalah we feel that all the deeds we do must be received by Him. Who can guarantee that all?.

* Sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes near, sometimes distant, sometimes devout, sometimes disobeying Allaah, may lead to repentance, to survive the afterlife. Amen.


* O my friend ...!

* You feel lonely ...
- But actually you do not own.
* You feel at a crossroads ...
- But actually you are on the way the exam ...
* You have doubts in many wishes ...
- But really you only have one choice.
* You feel faint in the view ...
- But you have actually sharp in sight.

* O my friend ...!

* Closer to Allaah ...
- Then you know the truth.
* Obey in practice the sunnah of His Prophet ...
- Then you will understand His will.

* Istiqomahlah ...!

* It's not you, never feel alone again ...


* Wherever you are ...
- He was the al-Awwal.
- He was the end.
- He was the one who Dzahir.
- He was the spiritual.
* Will glorify Him.

* Subhaanallah ...!
* Alhamdulillah ...!
* Allahu Akbar ...!
* La ilaha illallah ...!
* Astaghfirullah ...!

* Never had I felt the smell of death is so close ...

* Where you would run when the angels come ...

* What would you say for what you create ...

* Did not you know nobody in the place of intercession ...

* Then compare what the world in the hereafter ...

* When that happens your family treasures and could not be seen as ...

* Och ...!

* Forgive us the owner's grace ...

* Although we have responded with an attitude of grace thy treasonous ...

* We are still hoping to become residents of thy delights of paradise ...

* Bkan inferno that has cursed thy ...

* Allahummaghfirlana wal Muslims. O Allah, forgive us and the Muslims. Amen.

* Jazakallhu khairan katsiran ...

* Allaah 'nature.

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